Master in Germany : - Rhein konsultant

what is Studienkolleg?

If you’re looking to study at a German university, you may have come across the term “Studienkolleg“. But what is it?

In short, Studienkolleg is a preparatory course for students who want to study at a German university but don’t have the necessary qualifications.

The Studienkolleg course typically lasts one year and is made up of four main subjects:

– German language

– Mathematics

– A natural science (physics, chemistry or biology)

– A humanities or social science (history, geography, politics, economics or philosophy)

At the end of the course, students take an entrance exam (called the Zentrale Prüfung) which they need to pass in order to be accepted into a German university.

So if you’re thinking of studying in Germany, the Studienkolleg could be a good option for you. It’s a chance to improve your German language skills and learn more about the German education system.

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